The Absolare Single-Ended Triode Preamplifier
There are three models of the Absolare Preamplifier available for our customers.The key differences between the models are in the use of even more exotic parts as you move up the line which results in even greater musical performance.
Absolare Single-Ended Triode Amplifier
Absolare’s production standard signal and power section utilize Mundorf’s custom-matched Silver Gold Oil/TubeCap capacitors and Echole’s proprietary Obsession-grade Silver/Gold/Palladium alloy wiring. The Passion uses ECC82 tubes only.
The Signature model is a significant step above the Passion series. Within the signal path, Duelund’s select CAST coupling capacitors together with Echole’s Signature cabling are incorporated. The Signature Preamplifier’s circuitry can utilize E80CC in addition to ECC82 tubes. The power supply has also been re-designed. Critical parts of the signal path utilize NOS resistors that are not readily available in the market. The sonic improvement from the Passion version can be described as being better than ever in terms of naturalness, coherence, with a very convincing sense of realism and emotional communication.
Finally, there is a very limited edition Altius model of the Absolare preamplifier. Please contact us for further information about the Altius preamplifier.
The absolare 845 Single-Ended Triode Amplifier
There are three models of the Absolare S.E.T. Amplifier available for our customers. The key differences between the models are in the use of even more exotic parts as you move up the line which results in even greater musical performance.
Absolare 845 Single-Ended Triode Amplifier
Absolare’s production standard signal and power section utilize Mundorf’s custom-matched Silver-Gold-Oil/TubeCap capacitors and Echole’s proprietary Obsession-grade Silver/Gold/Palladium alloy wiring.
The Signature series is a significant step above the Passion series. Within the signal path Duelund’s select CAST coupling capacitors together with Echole’s Signature cabling are utilized. The N.O.S. driver tubes are carefully chosen to align with this new level of purity. The sound is described as being better than ever in terms of naturalness, coherence, with a very convincing sense of realism and emotional communication.
Finally, there is a very limited edition Altius model available for the Absolare S.E.T. Power amplifiers. Please contact us for further information about the Altius S.E.T. amplifier.
the absolare 845 Push-Pull Amplifier
There are three models of the Absolare Push-Pull Amplifier available for our customers. The key differences between the models are in the use of even more exotic parts as you move up the line which results in even greater musical performance.
Absolare 845 Push-Pull Amplifier
Absolare’s production standard. signal and power section utilize Mundorf’s custom-matched Silver-Gold-Oil/TubeCap capacitors and Echole’s proprietary Obsession-grade Silver/Gold/Palladium alloy wiring.
The Signature series is a significant step above the Passion series. Within the signal path Duelund’s select CAST coupling capacitors together with Echole’s Signature cabling are utilized. The N.O.S. driver tubes are carefully chosen to align with the new level of purity. .Absolare Signature Push-Pull amplifier’s performance is best described as dynamics, realism and truthfulness closest to the live reproduction of music.
Finally, there is a very limited edition Altius model of the Push-Pull amplifier. Please contact us for further information about the Altius Push-Pull amplifier.
The Absolare Integrated Amplifier
There are two models of the Absolare Integrated Amplifier available for our customers.The key differences between the models are in the use of even more exotic parts as you move up the line which results in even greater musical performance.
Absolare Integrated Amplifier
Absolare’s production standard. signal and power section utilize Mundorf’s custom-matched Silver-Gold-Oil/TubeCap capacitors and Echole’s proprietary Obsession-grade Silver/Gold/Palladium alloy wiring.
The Signature series is a significant step above the Passion series. Within the signal path Duelund’s select CAST coupling capacitors together with Echole’s Signature cabling are utilized. The N.O.S. driver tubes are carefully chosen to align with the new level of purity. Absolare Integrated Signature amplifiers performance is sublime. The Signature Integrated amplifier results in an even faster, more transparent sound with enhanced harmonic resolution.
The Absolare PhonoStage
Absolare PhonoStage
In pursuit of a phono stage that is able to reveal the soul of the recording with silence and tonal truthfulness, the Absolare Phono stage embodies our design principle of “Purity, Control, and Power”. Purity of signal, Control of Resonance and Clean power.
The Absolare Phono Stage is a dual chassis design with one chassis housing the power supply and the second chassis housing the analog phono stage. The dual chassis design perfectly isolates the delicate phono signal from possible magnetic interferences from the power supply circuit. The power supply unit is also internally partitioned with a thick aluminum wall separating power transformers from regulators to keep regulator outputs free of AC noise. The laser cut, precision welded 3mm aluminium chassis is enclosed in leather clad high-density fibre panels to minimize mechanical resonances. Input and output stages of signal part have dedicated B+ regulators. Final capacitor-resistor pi-filters are located inside the signal unit, next to the tubes. A separate transformer powers the tube heaters. Heater voltages are also regulated and filtered. There are separate Echole cables used for each stage between the power supply unit and signal unit.
The Absolare Phono Stage input is directly coupled, there is no step up transformer. High transconductance input tubes are followed by a passive R-C RIAA filter. Double output triodes enable a low impedance output stage. All internal stages are capacitor coupled.
The input stage of the phono circuit is located just behind the input terminals for minimum interference. RIAA and output stages are directly mounted upon a large CNC carved aluminium housing that provides a vibration free environment for the tubes and other signal components. Low ESR Mundorf capacitors are used for the power supplies and filters and Silver/Gold alloy capacitors are used for the signal path. All signal connections between components are point-to-point. Proprietary Echole alloys are used for all internal wiring. Signal connectors are gold/silver plated tellurium copper. Tube sockets are pure teflon with gold plated copper contacts.
The Absolare Purifiers
Absolare Purifier
Absolare Bybee Purifier
Absolare’s strategic partnership with Bybee Technologies has brought together Absolare’s expertise in metallurgy and resonance control with Jack Bybee’s groundbreaking Quantum Purification technology.The Absolare Bybee Purifier is a state of the art electrical mains distribution device which will actually ‘purify’ the mains. Without compromising current flow, this purified AC power perfectly preserves the full gamut of dynamics and harmonics in music.
With any playback system, the quality of the final musical (or visual) experience depends on maintaining absolute fidelity of the signal’s transmission.As with all Absolare equipment, each component is of the highest quality and critically selected for specific applications. Internally wired with actual Echole Obsession SIGNATURE Powercords and fitted with customized versions of the highest grade of AC sockets from Oyaide in Japan, Absolare also incorporates customised Mundorf silver/gold capacitors to further improve the current. Specially developed composites critically attenuate the spectrum of resonance of the Bybee Modules and all other internal components, perfectly preserving the music’s dynamic and harmonic complexities.
Absolare Bullets
Absolare Bullets are designed to not process the signal in the way that conventional intermediary devices do, so they are not a ‘tweak’ in the general sense. Just the contrary, the distortion is eradicated, or ‘purified’ with a single, yet sophisticated touch. Both ends of the Bullets are covered with Palladium-plated Silver terminations to preserve and enhance their performance. The front section is pure teflon, and the main body is machined from aircraft-grade aluminum for resonance control.
This fine touch allows the organic qualities of musicality and dynamic contrast that is inherent in the system to be revealed. The increase in performance is subtle and immediate. Once again, this process is not additive – it is a reviving mechanism that is essential for the correct presentation of the totality of the recorded musical event.
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