Bybee Holographic AC Adapter
Bybee Holographic AC Adapter
The Conditioner for Those Who Don't Like Power Conditioning
The Bybee Holographic AC adapter is a gorgeous, aluminum end capped carbon fiber tube with a high quality Furutech rhodium copper iec inlet on one end, and a Furutech IEC plug on the other. In between there is a carbon fiber tube that contains the latest Supercharged AC Purifiers from Jack Bybee, and a proprietary ground filter. It is designed to go in-between your audio component's power cord and the component. Placing the conditioning elements as close to your audio component as possible. This provides immediate, direct and NON CURRENT LIMITING filtering of your audio component's incoming AC for maximum effectiveness. There are no capacitors, no resistors, nothing to impede the flow of current flowing to the component.
Bybee Interconnect RCA Bullet
Bybee Interconnect RCA Bullet
New From Bybee | Bybee Purifier Tech + Bybee Crystal Tech
The New Bybee RCA Bullet utilizes both the Bybee Purifier technology coupled with the new Bybee Crystal technology. The result is Bybee's best RCA Bullet yet.
Bybee Crystal Series Power Cord
Bybee Crystal Series Power Cord
Jack Bybee has done it again! The Crystal Series Power cord has been treated with his new process (We call it "Stuff", yeah that's right) that uses the energy from the cable's own EM (electromagnetic) field to power his noise cancelling technology. It is embedded right in the wire! No magnets, capacitors inductors, or filters needed. It is built right in to the cable. The cable is extremely flexible, and has a grounded shield. The gorgeous terminations have rhodium plated copper conductors, and a carbon fiber/machined aluminum body.
The Bybee power cord produces a very organic and holographic sound field. It delivers a perfect tonal balance from top to bottom, and larger, more focused images. Details and harmonics are present at an extraordinary level, absent any harshness. Accompanied with a deeper, tighter bass, these power cords are guaranteed to please even the most demanding of listeners.
Bybee Quantum Signal Enhancer
Bybee Quantum Signal Enhancer
The Bybee Quantum Signal Enhancer is completely passive, requiring no battery or power supply. The crystals embedded in the Quantum Signal Enhancer absorb energy from the signal source, be that a signal carrying wire or component, and align the electrons flowing through a wire or component to enhance the purity and energy of the video or audio signal. It improves the efficiency of the flow of electrons in other words. It measures approximately 4"wide x 6"long x 1/4" high.
Bybee Room Neutralizers
Bybee Room Neutralizers
The Bybee Room Neutralizers offer a unique way of effectively removing the acoustic limitations of the listening room and presenting to the listener all of the sonic details of the original recorded environment intact. They accomplish this feat by use of a proprietary blend of materials that resonate with the air molecules in the room, enabling the transmission of sound without the usual time misalignment of high frequencies.
With this benefit the listener becomes unaware of the room reflections because the direct energy from the speakers is time aligned and has a commanding dominance over wall reflections. The room sonically disappears and it is as though the listener put on headphones, accept that the excitement and spatial correctness of a loudspeaker presentation is not forfeited.
A Bybee Room Neutralizer system is comprised of a set of eight neutralizers, each measuring 2” x 6”, with a 6” antenna tail. The neutralizers are essentially two dimensional and can be placed behind pictures and other wall ornaments if desired.
Bybee Slipstream Purifiers
Bybee Slipstream Purifiers
Bybee Quantum Purifiers are at the heart of every Bybee Slipstream and Golden Goddess plug-in "Instant Upgrade" product. Originally developed (and still used) for military applications, this quantum purification technology has proven that eliminating sub-audible noise—i.e., noise unmeasurable by typical test-bench instruments--at the quantum mechanical level produces previously unattainable resolution and beauty in home audio and video. For more than ten years select Original Equipment Manufacturers and elite custom upgrade specialists have used Bybee Quantum Purifiers to enhance the performance of hundreds of highly regarded electronic components and loudspeakers.
Experienced audiophiles with knowledge of electronics and good soldering skills can improve the sound of their system components at very reasonable cost by installing Quantum Purifiers themselves. Loudspeaker upgrades are even easier. Just click on Modification Guidelines to find the most recommended locations for improving your system with Bybee Quantum Purifiers.
Bybee Speaker Bullet Kit MK 3
Bybee Speaker Bullet Kit MK 3
NOTE: This kit is for those experienced with soldering and modifying the internal components of loudspeakers. If you do not know how to solder, or do not know how to access the internal crossover of your loudspeakers, don't even attempt to purchase and install the Speaker Bullet Kit.
The most cost-effective performance-enhancing Bybee product we have ever offered. A simple internal speaker modification now provides dramatic improvements in detail retrieval, bass and dynamics, imaging and soundstaging, openness and tonal beauty, equaling or exceeding the celebrated Golden Goddess Speaker Bullets at a fraction of the cost.
Jack Bybee's Golden Goddess 'Super Effect' Speaker Bullets have been praised by audio reviewers and customers as the most powerful of all Bybee accessories. However, the combination of costly materials and labor-intensive construction has mandated a retail price of $4,200 per set of four, with two sets required for bi-wire applications. Those original external Speaker Bullets are now discontinued, but Bybee Technologies is offering a new solution. The Bybee Internal Speaker Bullet Kit, designed for DIY hobbyists, audio modifiers and OEM speaker manufacturers, is installed after the speaker terminals and before the crossover network. The Internal Speaker Bullet Kit delivers equal or better performance enhancement at a fraction of the cost of the plug-in Speaker Bullets.
Bybee Crystal Series Speaker Bullets
Bybee Crystal Series Speaker Bullets
The Crystal Series Speaker Bullets incorporate a newly developed combination of aluminum casings and new proprietary wire that surpasses the gold wire originally used in earlier products. The termination on this product utilizes the highest quality silver banana plugs and 5-way binding post terminals for the receiving end of the speaker cables. Although dramatic sonic improvements will be quickly audible, an burn-in period of 100-200 hours will enable the Plug-In Speaker Bullets to reach full performance.
Bybee Large Quantum Purifiers
Bybee Large Quantum Purifiers
Tip: The performance of Bybee Quantum Purifiers can be greatly enhanced by wrapping them in Stillpoints ERS, placing them inside a copper tube only an inch or so longer than the Bybees themselves, and wrapping the tube in Stillpoints ERS. cover the finished product with shrink tubing for safety as the ERS is conductive. To our ears, this essentially doubles their performance, and works especially well with the Gold Bybees.
Originally developed (and still used) for military applications, Bybee Quantum Purifiers have proven that eliminating sub-audible (1/f ) noise at the quantum mechanical level produces high resolution sound while preserving its organic nature. For well over ten years, DIY hobbyists, select Original Equipment Manufacturers and elite custom upgrade specialists have used Bybee Quantum Purifiers to enhance the performance of hundreds of highly regarded electronic components and loudspeakers. Von Schweikert, Marten Design, Reference 3A , to name just a few manufacturers that have incorporated Bybee Quantum Purifiers in their designs.
Experienced audiophiles with knowledge of electronics and good soldering skills can improve the sound of their system components at very reasonable cost by installing Quantum Purifiers themselves. Loudspeaker upgrades are even easier. Call us for advice.
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