The Memory Player 64
Laufer Teknik is the manufacturer and distributor for the award-winning music server, The Memory Player. The Memory Player is available in a Digital Transport version, and a Digital/Analog Player.
The Memory Player 64 can be customized in either version -- The Digital Transport or The Digital/Analog Player. For the first time, computer audio listeners can enjoy a music server based system that is the high end audio standard for digital audio playback! It accomplishes this by utilizing several unique patented Technologies.
The Memory Player 64 makes it possible to enjoy unlimited amounts of memory and drive capacity. Your music library can be expanded to any size you wish, up to 128TB.
The Memory Player in Brushed Silver Finish.
Currently available as a Digital Transport with USB, SPDIF, HDMI and Toslink connections, The Mini incorporates all of our world-class patented jitter reduction software. This includes:
- DeFractionalized wide-byte memory
- The Clock Mapper
- RUR CD Copier
and much more!
Please visit for a detailed technical explanation of each of these ground-breaking technologies.
The Mini is bundled with JRiver 22 pre-optimized for the best playback, along with an external slot loading Blu-Ray drive. Our patented enabling technology, however, is largely player independent and can run effectively with Roon, iTunes, or any other player of your choice. The Mini is built upon an Intel-based mini PC platform. In the coming months, we will be releasing mini versions of our Octuple DSD (DSD512, 22, 5792 MHz) and 768 kHz PCM capable DAC, which will connect to The Memory Player Mini along with our DC power filtering and regeneration power products.
The Memory Player in Satin Black Finish.
Introducing Computer Audio Solutions from The Memory Player
Now, with The Virtual Battery, The Clock Mapper, DeFractionalized Memory, IDEAS, and The DAC Power Supply, The Memory Player 64 is a fully upgradable, dedicated music listening source designed to please the most serious audiophiles.
Originally exclusive to The Memory Player, these technologies are now licensed individually, and can be purchased and installed in any music server or computer audio system.
See how each of The Memory Player 64's Computer Audio Solutions can completely change what you thought you could hear from a computer audio system!
Hardware Solutions
The Virtual Battery
The Virtual Battery dramatically improves the sound quality of music played by all music servers and computer audio.
It nearly eliminates interference, contamination and coloration between digital and analog systems, and reduces digital jitter in nearly every process.
The Virtual Battery from The Memory Player exceeds even the best power conditioner’s efficacy by an astounding 80%, cleaning the DC feeding all circuits to a level never before achieved in digital circuit designs.
The Virtual Battery simply plugs into the ATX power plug used in all computer audio systems and most music servers. It is user-installable, requires NO technical expertise or tools, and works in any computer-based audio device, Mac or Windows.
The DAC Power Supply
The DAC Power Supply is designed specifically to completely isolate and optimize any high end audio sound card and is most commonly used for Lynx Audio Sound Cards, both digital and analog.
It achieves the highest filtration of line noise, RF and digital artifacts available, with up to 1,000 times greater regulation precision than the regulators that come installed on even the finest sound cards. Virtual Teflon Technology reduces the impedance so low that regulator coloration is virtually eliminated.
The size of a common PCIE card, each power supply is a circuit board that is wired into the chassis of your computer, at the factory.
DeFractionalized Memory
By forcing the data on memory to populate in its original order, DeFractionalized Memory can transform sound to a more analog, natural tone, with increased dynamics, bass and ambient retrieval. Even a state of bit perfection will allow up to seven bits in a byte to be played out of original order, due to the weakness in the code used for digital audio.
There is no natural equivalent to this occurrence, hence the often artificial nature/tonality of digital audio when compared to great analog.
DeFractionalized Memory is gaining popularity in professional applications, as recording studios adopt its use in lieu of SSDs or conventional storage. Mixdowns done on DeFractionalized Memory sound more lifelike, and enjoy greater detail. Dynamics are released, and bass deepens and becomes more defined.
Defractionalized Memory is the only medium that maintains original bit order.
Software Solutions
IDEAS Jitter Reducing Software
After a single use of IDEAS*, your music is transformed. IDEAS removes zeroes between original audio codes -- very common in music stored or played on SSDs or hard drives -- therefore removing the time gaps which manifest as jitter.
The release of subtle and increased ambient information, as well as a dramatic shift toward an 'analog' sound, is heard immediately. All music becomes more lifelike and natural.
IDEAS Jitter Reducing Software runs automatically and continuously in the background, reducing jitter in the audio files as they are played. IDEAS will even reduce jitter in and caused by the operating system (a major source of audio jitter in computer audio systems). IDEAS can clean jitter with such power and level of granularity that audio jitter can drop to an astounding femtosecond level -- the lowest audio jitter in the industry.
*IDEAS is the acronym for impulse discharge of events in atemporal space.
The Clock Mapper
The Clock Mapper is an affordable and superior alternative to the costly and antiquated atomic master clock. It is used in recording studios, and now, can be part of your home high end audio system.
The Clock Mapper software, originally written exclusively for The Memory Player, is now available for all computer audio systems and music servers.
The Clock Mapper intelligently reduces the audio jitter below even the capability of that of Rubidium master clock systems, by virtue of elimination of interference from non-audio demands, processes and features, and predictable, defined inductances.
Laufer Teknik is the U.S. Distributor for this brand.
For more information, please visit:
All page content Copyright © 2016 Laufer Teknik and The Memory Player.